Tuesday 8 May 2007

Gun Crime

Gun crime
Gun crime trebles as weapons and drugs flood British citiesBy David Bamber, Home Affairs Correspondent
Last Updated: 12:36am GMT 24/02/2002
GUN crime has almost trebled in London during the past year and is soaring in other British cities, according to Home Office figures obtained by The Telegraph.
Police chiefs fear that Britain is witnessing the kind of cocaine-fuelled violence that burst upon American cities in the 1980s. Cocaine, particularly from Jamaica, now floods into Britain, while the availability of weapons - many of them from eastern Europe - is also increasing.
Detectives in London say that the illegal importation of guns started after the end of the Bosnia conflict and that they are changing hands for as little as £200. During the 10 months to January 31, there were 939 crimes involving firearms in the Metropolitan Police area compared with 322 in the 10 months to the end of January, 2001 - an almost three-fold increase.

I live in an area which has high crime rates, especially related to guns, knifes and gangs, and it seems to be getting worse. The young children around are picking up bad habbits like swearing, socialising in large groups and playing violently. If anything the government should educate the younger generation, because they are the future and if they should be a better society, they should target broken homes, offer more youth clubs or activities to do during holidays, this may help reduce crime rates.

young single mothers

The difficulties of setting up home for young single mothers

Young single mothers often find themselves catapulted simultaneously into independent adulthood and motherhood. Furthermore, many must come to terms with their new role and endeavour to establish an independent home quickly and with limited family support. Research by Newcastle University identified the following main problems for young mothers establishing a secure and suitable home for themselves and their childrenhttp://www.jrf.org.uk/knowledge/findings/socialpolicy/SP72.asp

It must be hard enough to have a child at a young age, let alone being a single mother. I wouldn't know have as much of what young mothers go through. It may be hard for others and it may be easy for some, providing there is support. My mother is a single parent, she had me in her early 20's, she would always mention that she had a tough time, bringing up my brother and I, and all the emotional, and financial stress she went through. So by my mothers experience of having a child at a young age, has helped me in a way, I believe that if a child is being born into this world, whether couples were prepared or not, they would need to try and provide a better life for the child.


what is racism?

Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Racial separatism is the belief, most of the time based on racism, that different races should remain segregated and apart from one another. http://www.adl.org/hate-patrol/racism.asp

What is meant by prejudice? stereotype? and discrimination?
Prejudice literally means "prejudgement." A prejudice is a preconceived negative opinion or attitude about a group of people. Stereotype means "set image". The word comes from the process of making metal plates for printing. When applied to people, stereotyping refers to forming an instant or fixed picture of a group of people, usually based on false or incomplete information. Stereotypes ignore the fact that no two human beings are identical. Stereotypes are often negative. Discrimination is anything that has the effect, intentional or not, of limiting the opportunities of certain individuals or groups because of personal characteristics such as race or colour. Unlike prejudice, discrimination is an effect or result, not an attitude. Discrimination sometimes results from prejudice or stereotypes. However, it also comes from the failure, intentional or not, to avoid practices that disadvantage certain groups more than others, when the disadvantage could be eliminated without causing undue hardship. http://www.gnb.ca/hrc-cdp/e/sayno.htm#prejudice

How can racism be tackled?
First of all, speak out against racism. Otherwise, your silence may be interpreted as tacit approval of discrimination. You have the right, as well as the responsibility, to speak out. If you are a victim of discrimination in New Brunswick, Canada, you can file a complaint with the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission. If another person files a complaint, you can support him or her by cooperating with the investigating officer. In addition, you can stop racism in the following ways:

Saturday 5 May 2007


Gambling is a waste of money, time, and effort. It can lead to financial difficulties, debt, being bankrupt, depressed and lonely. But on th other side of the argument it could lead to a happier life, but this is very rare.

I played the lottery once, and since i didnt win anything, i lost interest, but people i know still have hope in becoming a millionaire by gambling. I think that gambling is a drug, its an addiction, and most the times it leaves people in a bad situation.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

telling lies with integrity

Is being able to lie a good thing?

Personally i hate liars, i prefer honesty. for example i go out with my friends and i try on a top, or a dress, and i ask for their opinion, i would like them to be honest and upfront, not that their opinions, would change my thoughts. Its just being able to trust people. I think if people lie because they choose not to hurt another person's feelings is bad, the truth will come out eventually so why lie?. As you grow older, you become much more wiser, maybe when i was young i told alot of lies, to get out of trouble. But every kid does that.

would a world be a better place if everyone told the truth?
No this is a hard question. i think yes and no. I would have to come back to this argument!

Are men and women very different when it comes to lying?
Men lie more than woman, i may sound sexist but i think its a fact. Men lie about major things in life, women dont.

what are the worst kinds of lies?
  • lying about outside relationships, and when they are caught they still deny it.
  • lying about they status, saying that they are single, when they are not
  • lying about their identity


summary of this module

when i first read the topic "being bad",i was anxious to know what it involved. it seemed it was going to be ineresting.

the first lecture was great, it was nothing i expected, almost everyone participated in the debates. it was a fun atmosphere to be in.
after attending several lectures, it started to get boring, some topics like betting and nasty comedians, were boring to know. other topics which i was "awake" in where infidelity and bad cinema. The rest were a bit dull and boring. But overall the module has been stimulating, i got involved in debates and group discussion which was great.


Age? 20

Sex? female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? social care and social policy

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? not really

If so, how? And if not, why not? i would say it relates to sociology more, beacuse sociology covers topics such as "deviants" in society or "outcasts"

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? too easy

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? it was interesting, but topics like, masturbation was inappropriate

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? not really
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? yes

What did you think of the module team? really good

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? yes this way i would remember most of my collegues names
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? no
Information and talk from lecturers? no

bad cinema

kids (1995)

The film was very educational, the youths of today need to be educated about sex life, respect for others as well as themselves, simple values in society, beacuse it looks like most of the younger youths of today, have no respect what so ever. They are more concerned about others respecting them or respecting their "post code" or what area they are from. Youths of today need to realise that their are diseases out there, and the more they learn about how to protect themselves, the less ignorant they will become. And this should start at home, the parents should try and educate them early, so there are fully aware.

Friday 30 March 2007

Tattoos and Piercing

Tattoos: what do i think of them.

I used to hate the fact that people get tattoos, I thought that when people get tattoos,it meant their insecure and looking for an excuse to to draw attention to their body. After years of thinking this, i decided to get one. It had been playing on my mind as to whether or not it was right. But seeing my friend having hers done, made me think twice about my thoughts. I think one or two tattoos are acceptable, but going to the extent where the whole body is covered in tattoos is ridiculous. Its unattractive, and its a high risk of having any infection, this goes for piercings as well. We need to love our bodies not abuse them.

Being to too religious

I respect different, cultures, ethnicity, religion and other beliefs. This is what makes each and everyone of us unique. From being unique we can all learn about different things. This is what makes society. Society is is diverse, its a mix of cultures, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, etc.
So saying someone or people are too religious is thinking very narrow. There are alot of people out there that don't believe in anything. I feel we shouldnt be the ones to judge other people or question their beliefs. Its either you accept it or not.

Monday 19 March 2007

field trip

I think we should go to London. Trafalgar square, then maybe leicester square. It should be fun and interesting.

Sunday 18 March 2007

being bad

What many people consider bad, others may look at it from a postive perspective. For example shoplifting, some people dont see anything wrong with it., they dont think its a crime, they look at it as something pettie, or just a laugh with their mates.

bandits and outlaws

do you think being a bandit is bad? well from my point of view yes. People may see them as idles, or roll models, but the fact is, these negative behaviour is seen as a corruption to the mind. It is a negative influence to individuals. People who think killing other people is a good think are sick in the head. well i've never been a fan of bandits or outlaws, personally i cant stand it. Its not my thing


  • letting someone down

  • or being let down

  • causes pain

  • it has the poteintial to reduce relationships to contracts

  • betrayal leads to someone of many negotiations of one's identity.

  • betrayal can sometimes lead to revenge.

Thursday 15 March 2007



Do you know somking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease, says World Health Organisation.

Do you know that passivre smoking increases the chance of heart disease by a


  • Men : 82 % in 1948 falling to 29% in 2000
  • women: 45% in 1966 falling to 25 in 2000
  • currently 13 million smokers in Great Britain
  • 2 million smoke only pipes and cigars
  • There are currently 13 million ex smokers in the UK

I'm a non-smoker. i choose not to smoke i tried it once and it didn't help me in any way. Its a nasty habbit and it stinks. i try to hold my breathe or move away if a person is smoking, it doesn't work. People say they smoke because it releases stress and tension. smoking is a waste of money, its unhealthy and it only leads to an early grave.

Tuesday 6 March 2007


http://www.everydaybetterliving.com/infidelity(tales of adultery)

Do you think infidelity is wrong?

  • cheating on your partner is not the right way to resolve anything, it creates more problems, if you are caught.

what drives some of us to be unfaithful?

  • lack of attention

  • revenge

  • the spare of the moment

  • it just happend.

what lasting effect does it have on relationships, or marriages?

  • lack of trust. If there is no trust in a relationship it will never work.

Sunday 25 February 2007


What are the dangers of masturbation?http://www.malehealth.co.uk/userpage1.cfm?item_id=1355
iI was shocked when we covered this topic, i felt a bit weird, and slightly uncomfortable, not that i do these things but just people around debating on it. Yuck! People who do these things should purchase a toy.
what do you think about masturbation?

From my perspective, masturbation is wrong. if your not sexually satisfied by your partner, then he or she should say.
Its unhealthy for the mind and its a very bad habbit.


Peep show 2005 objective productions

When does a concerned interest in someone's activities become stalking?

  • If a someone notices a person acting strange, either by strange phone calls, letters e-mails, or any other uneccesary attention then they need to be weiry.

Are some kinds of obeservance allowable and appropriate which arent?

  • I think none of such behaviour should be tolerated, once you feel an individual or group is acting weird, its something you should never take lightly.

Thursday 15 February 2007


(breakfast at tiffiany's 1961 paramont) http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites/P/prostitution/

Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then to not supply it?

  • This is more of being a goldigger than a prostitute,if someone is taking money off a person, but does not have any intimate contact with them, it is not prostitution. Being a goldigger, could possibly lead to prostitution.

If it is not protitution, then is it more or less socially respectable?

  • It does not show respect amongst other people, beacuse if a person is a goldigger, other will think they are being intimate with that person in order to get what they want.

If it is prostituiton, then how much is a resonable charge?

  • This is a hard question, a prostitute would have an answer. From my perspective I dont think there is such a thing of a reasonable charge, prostitutes have to go for whatever they are given, or they have a choice to negotiate on a higher price. Prostitutes always end up wanting more for what is bargained.
Prostitution is unsafe. I dont understand why people feel they need to sell their body. There are alot of opportunities out here. without qualifications it will be hard finding a job, but people need to start from somewhere. people shouldnt lower ther standards beacuse of a few pounds. Most prostitutes of today get killed, this should be a wake up call for those doing it.


why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift instead.

  • one of many reasons could be peerpressure, they would like to be accepted by their friends.
  • Because they feel like ( abit of a laugh)
  • They would like to be popular.

Is shoplifting any different to any kind of theft.

  • No, it is theft, taking something that doesn't belong to you is stealing.

Shoplifting (also known as retail theft or simply lifting) is theft of merchandise for sale in a shop, store, or other retail establishment, by an ostensible patron. It is one of the most common crimes for police and courts.
Most shoplifters are amateurs; however, there are people and groups who make their living from shoplifting, and they tend to be more skilled. Some individuals shoplift in an effort to resist selling their labor, and/or to protest corporate power. These individuals target--often exclusively--chain stores; Wal-Mart is an especially popular target for political shoplifters. (see Evasion) Some counter this by arguing that costs of theft are not absorbed by the targeted company, but instead may result in price increases.[1] Therefore, shoplifting is thought to ultimately harm paying consumers, some of whom may be shopping at places such as Wal-Mart because they are poor and have few other options.
A common slang term for shoplifting in Australia and the United States is "five-finger discount". The "five-finger" aspect of the term refers to fact there are five fingers on the hand which is used to grab the stolen merchandise. In the U.S., it is often referred to as "jacking" or "racking" and in the UK as "nicking or chaving". Professional shoplifters or organized shoplifting groups are often referred to as "boosters
